So I am at the exact date that I should have finished the month of Burn Circuit. Somehow I landed here a whole week behind. I lost a day here and a day there and then 3 days this week. Two of them I didn't workout when I was supposed to and then tonight I did Burn Intervals instead of Push Circuit 3 because I felt I needed the cardio after two days of being lazy :). The first trimester always kicks my butt in terms of energy levels. I think that is why I always gain so much weight in the first trimester. I am always tired and don't want to do more than sit down or sleep. I still am pretty proud of what I have accomplished so far though! I WILL finish week four by Friday. Then I will post my photos & measurements upon completion of the Burn phase. I am showing a lot more now. I have had a couple of co-workers as a friend of mine if she had heard anything about me being pregnant again. Fortunately she knows I am pregnant and that I want to keep it quiet a bit longer so she said she hadn't heard anything :) Gotta love good friends! I will be 9 weeks tomorrow, so I hope to stay on track with my workouts the next 3 weeks. Once I hit the 2nd trimester I will have to modify my ab routines so I am not lying flat on my back. I am not sure how I am going to do that :) I will figure something out!