My kids rarely (like once or twice a month max!) get sugary cereal. I can't justify completely cutting them off, because they are going to get exposed to it once they start spending time at their friends' homes, and I don't want them to make themselves sick the first time they get a taste of it. Basically, I AM nutrition oriented, but I also really believe that most things in moderation are ok and needed to keep your child from OD'ing on sugar the first time they are allowed to have it. It is important to explain to your child, starting at a very early age, that some things are just not good for their bodies, but are ok as a treat once in a while. Teach them to love their body & respect food for what it is. Below I have included a low sugar oatmeal recipe that my kids love!
1 cup of Silk
1/2 cup of fresh or frozen blueberries, raspberries or strawberries
1 cup of quick oats
1 cup of Greek Yogurt or other low sugar/fat yogurt
Cook the oatmeal, berries & Silk until the oatmeal is soft. Once cool enough for little mouths, add your kids favorite Greek or low sugar/fat yogurt and then divide & conquer. This recipe feeds all three of my kids in the morning. They love it!
Portland Fit Club
Dec 15, 2009
Breakfast of Champs!
Posted by Coach Brandi at 9:00 PM
Labels: healthy kids, Low sugar oatmeal, moderate eating