Portland Fit Club

Mar 26, 2010

Bombed the Clean Eating

Ok so I have to be honest here.  I lasted only a week on the clean eating.  There are a lot of things I could blame it on.

1.  Having to work 12 hour days and being fed by my firm.  The dinners that they provide are great....it saves us money and saves us time, but....while they aren't terrible for us, they also are not good for us either.

2.  Being pregnant and craving foods until I finally break down and eat them.

3.  Being stressed and losing my good mind frame because of the stress.

I can think of so many more.  It basically came down to a handful of factors.....I didn't take the time to prepare enough snacks/meals to bring to work with me and got hungry halfway through the day.  Since the vending machine price is only 25 cents this time of year, I wound up frequenting it when I got hungry.  I didn't take the time to balance out my proteins, carbs, fat etc. with the point of view that I am pregnant and have different nutritional needs at this time.  I found myself feeling weak, shaky and having no energy because I didn't have the right balance in the foods I brought with me.  My lack of creativity with Michi's ladder and being a vegetarian also caused some issues.  I am sure I was not getting enough protein.

I have learned a lot from the experience and can't wait to try again.  I have learned that I can only do so much, and even super moms need to stop and take care of number one once in a while.  Once I get through the time that I told my boss I would give him (full time through April 15), I am going to try again and this time I am going to do it right with my full attention!

Mar 16, 2010

Aspiring to be Fat???!!!

When most of the world is in search of the perfect body, where perfect body means something along the lines of slim, toned, athletic, muscular etc.  There are a very few whose ideal body image is fat and fatter.  How you can disregard the importance of your own life and the future of your children when you die at an unnaturally young age is beyond me.


Mar 15, 2010

Clean Eating Challenge Starts Today!

So, a group of coaches, coachees & friends of mine are doing a 20 day clean eating challenge.  Today was day one and I did a pretty good job.  Came up a bit weak feeling this evening, so I know I need to increase my protein intake during the day.  Ready for tomorrow though!



1. You PRESS PLAY Five or Six Times a week, depending on your program. If you miss a workout, you're out of the challenge.

If you are not doing a beachbody workout, you should aim to do 3 resistance days and 2-3 cardio days.


3. No additional cheat snacks. ONE CHEAT MEAL PER WEEK. PERIOD.


6. You have until Tuesday morning to take your measurements AND pictures. You don't have to post them, but you do have to take them. A lot of times you won't lose pounds, but your body will change. Don't miss that event!


Are you ready?



RULE 1: You eat 4 to 6 small meals per day, ideally breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner. That means that you are eating every 2 to 3 hours.

Your body needs to be fueled. Eating only breakfast, lunch, and dinner is not okay.

RULE 2: You eat at least 1250 calories (unless you are less than 5 feet tall). I am putting this down because this challenge is about eating clean and being healthy, not about starving yourself.

A few people have asked me if I eat very low calories. For the record, I eat about 1800 to 2000 calories per day these days!

RULE 3: This is more like a guideline than a rule. You follow something close to a 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat diet. For those of you doing carb manipulation or following a special plan for diabetics, that's fine, too. Again, I just don't want folks to think they are eating clean if they eat 4 bowls of cereal per day. Your meals have to be balanced.

If you need a meal plan, email me or ask your coach. If you are BB Club Member, you can print one out. It's up to you to substitute foods from Michi's Ladder.

RULE 4: This is the real challenge part: YOU EAT ONLY FROM THE TOP 2 TIERS of MICHI'S LADDER 6 DAYS A WEEK. That means that you cannot have bagels for breakfast nor frozen yogurt for a snack. Top 2 tiers. Period.

I see that bagels are now in the top two tiers. I would stay away from them, but if they are in the top two tiers you can have it.

To See Michi's Ladder, sign on to your teambeachbody account. Go to EAT SMART Tab and you'll find it there.

If you don't have a free teambeachbody account, go to www.beachbodycoach.com/momof3 and sign up for one now!  There are a lot of free tools available!

Mar 6, 2010

The Throes of Tax Season

I am back....finally.  This tax season, my three kiddos, and pregnancy has me wiped out!  I have been working some long hours, spending little time with the kids, and not getting enough sleep (according to my weary eyes and low energy levels each day).  I love being a CPA and doing tax work.  I especially enjoy doing large corporations & state tax work, however, I hate the hours and stress that come with the deadline driven profession.  This is partly why I chose to become a Team Beachbody coach.  I want to be able to stay part time and still have enough money to raise my (soon to be) four kids and *gulp* be able to help put them all through college should they choose to do so.  The main reason I became a coach is because I love the products & it motivates me to continue to try to be in the best shape of my life and therefore lead by example for my children.  I also like to think that I am helping the world become a healthier place...one person at a time.

I have one more week left until the first of two spring deadlines is over.  The March 15th deadline encompasses the business entities of corporate form, and the April 15th deadline encompasses the pass-through entity & Individual returns.  Since my run isn't heavy in the area of 1040's, once I make it safely through to March 15th it should be smooth sailing at only 50 hour workweeks til April 15th.  My typical weeks leading up to March 15th run around 60 to 65 hours a week.  Not fun!

I just have to take it one day at a time and one week at a time.  On the plus side, once I hit March 15th, there will only be 2 weeks left till we find out the gender of the baby!

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